About Us
Welcome to Berry Patch Preschool and Long Day Care Centres
Welcome to the official website of The Berry Patch Preschool and Long Daycare Centres, providing quality early childhood education for children 6 weeks to 6 years old. As an industry recognised centre, we aim to enrich your child’s learning journey by providing a stimulating and nurturing environment.
Guided by the Early Years Learning Framework and National Quality Standards, our preschool centred programs are specialised to your child’s growth and learning milestones. Our programs are aligned with the EYLF and NQS to encourage independent learning and thinking, in preparation for primary school.

“The Australian and New Zealand Children’s Commissioners and Guardians define a child safe organisation as one that systematically:
- Creates conditions to reduce the likelihood of children being harmed
- Creates conditions that increase the likelihood of identifying
and reporting harm - Responds appropriately to disclosures, allegations and suspicions of harm”
(A Guide to the Child Safe Standards)
We at The Berry Patch commit to being a Child Safe Organisation and implementing the Child Safe Standards as relevant to the Early Childhood Setting. We commit to:
- Maintaining a staff culture of awareness, action and collective responsibility supported by strong leadership
- Regularly reviewing our Child Safe Standards Policy and Code of Conduct
- Proactively including child safe matters in our policies
- Fostering an environment of continual improvement, making child safety a priority in our Quality Improvement Plan and Self Assessment Tool
- Continuing to build strong and trusting relationships with all children in our care
- Ensuring children’s right to privacy is honoured
- Continuing to implement a stringent employment process including interviewing, reference checking, induction and training
- Making child safety a standard meeting agenda item and undertaking professional development annually